Computer Science Super Heroes
Kathrine Johnson:

Kathrine Johnson-Sam Blumenthal Katherine Johnson was born August 26,1918 and died February 24, 2020. She attended West Virginia State College and earned the highest honors in mathematic and French. She was a mathmatican at NASA who helped with the first moon landings. Also, she was warded many awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Last, NASA has named a research facility after her. A thing that I found most interesting is she lived in times of segregation and still managed to be very successful. So successful that they wrote a movie about her. Katherine Johnson | Biography, Education, Accomplishments, & Facts | Britannica Katherine Johnson Biography | NASA

Kathleen Booth:

Kathleen Booth-Sam Blumenthal Kathleen Booth was born July 9th, 1922, and died September 29 2022. She attended the University of London and was a awarded a doctorate in applied mathematics.Her Major Contributions to computer science were programming the Automatic Relay Calculator. This was a major accomplishment, as it was the first assembly language .She wrote a translation program too. This program translated a passage of French into English. This was the first ever text translation by computer.One thing I found interesting that everything she did was lead by her husband or they were co-creators. This might be from the gender gap in her time.

Vinton Cerf:

Vinton Cerf (by griffin smith) Vinton Cerf is a computer scientist who was born on June 23, 1943 in Connecticut. He attended Stanford University He helped make TCP/IP which is a communication protocol used in many spaces on the internet. He has been the vice president of google since 2005 and is commonly referred to one of the "fathers of the internet". He worked along Robert E. Khan who was also widely considered a father of the internet.